
Analytical articles prepared by the Federation of Automobile Employers and / or its partners.

Legislation Analysis of technical regulation in Ukraine and the European and Customs Union
Legislation Analysis of technical regulation in Ukraine and the European and Customs Union

Under the terms of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU Ukraine has committed itself to take all necessary measures to achieve compliance with technical regulations of the EU. Given the importance of addressing this issue to find new opportunities for development of the national auto... Read more

The Draft Law of Ukraine "On State Service"
The Draft Law of Ukraine "On State Service"

April 23 - the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on state service. 226 deputies voted in favor. Experts of Employers' Federation of Ukraine tried to make the automotive industry expertise of the law. Tha Law "On state service" is actually a new law that abolished the action of the previous one.... Read more

Oleg Boyar: Ukraine can become a European China
Oleg Boyar: Ukraine can become a European China

Interview with head Federation of Employers of the automotive industry and owner of Eurocar Oleg Boyarin: about Prime-minister Yatsenyuk activity, Ukrainian market protection and how Ukraine can become "European China". Sorry, the material is available only on Ukrainian and Russian.   Read more

Федерация организовала визит заместителя министра экономики и главы Закарпатской ОГА на заводы компаний-членов ФРА
Федерация организовала визит заместителя министра экономики и главы Закарпатской ОГА на заводы компаний-членов ФРА

  Прямой диалог крупнейших инвесторов региона с властью открыто.   В вторник, 21 апреля глава Закарпатской ОГА Василий Губаль совместно с заместителем министра экономического развития и торговли Украины Русланом Коржем при содействии и организации Федерации работодателей автомобильной о... Read more

Number of employees in the industry barely exceeds 2 million
Number of employees in the industry barely exceeds 2 million

April 16, 2015 - Chairman of the Employers' Federation of Automotive Industry of Ukraine took part in the National Tripartite Social and Economic Council, which for the first time in the last 6 years has also attended Prime Minister of Ukraine. Every tenth employee in Ukraine today could poten... Read more

REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

Charged for recovery

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