Federation took part in the Forum of NGOs' "Tax reform. Focus - a system of electronic VAT administration: implications for business and alternatives"
Federation took part in the Forum of NGOs' "Tax reform. Focus - a system of electronic VAT administration: implications for business and alternatives"

Yesterday, November 18, 2014, by the initiative ofa number ofof leadingpublic organizations, including the Federation of Employersof Ukraine, theUkrainianUnion of Industrialistsand Entrepreneurs, theCouncil ofEntrepreneurs under theCabinet of Ministers, the Union ofTax Consultantsof Ukraine,the Taxpayers Associationof Ukraine,the Ukrainian Bar Association, the Chamber of Taxconsultants,the Chamber of Commerceand theAmerican Chamber of Commercein Ukraine, helda Forum on"Tax Reform. Focus- a systemof electronicVAT administration: implications for business andalternatives".

The event was attendedby over 500 representativesof business,community,environmentexperts, representatives of the StateFiscalService of Ukraine,the Ministry ofFinance of Ukraine andrepresentatives ofthe deputies, which is certainlyconfirmedthe relevanceof this issue.Forum participantswere representatives of theFederation of Employers ofthe automotiveindustry.

More in theUkrainianversionof the material.

REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

Charged for recovery

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