Employers' Federation of Automotive Industry of Ukraine took part in the conciliation meeting on the draft of resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the Strategy of Technical Regulation Development for the period till 2020.”
Employers' Federation of Automotive Industry of Ukraine took part in the conciliation meeting on the draft of resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the Strategy of Technical Regulation Development for the period till 2020.”

March 11, Kyiv - Employers' Federation of Automotive Industry of Ukraine took part in the conciliation meeting on the draft of resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the Strategy of Technical Regulation Development for the period till 2020.”

Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mines, the National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Information and Employers' Federation of Ukraine agreed on a draft with the comments. These comments are related to the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine and State Service of Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety.

According to the strategy draft, reforming technical regulation in Ukraine was started in 2001 during the subsequent transition from a command to a market economy.

In 2000-2001 there was developed, adopted and entered into force the first set of laws on standardization, conformity assessment and accreditation of conformity assessment.

The aim of the Strategy is to modernize Ukraine's economy and competitiveness of Ukrainian products through the gradual integration of Ukraine into the EU market, overcoming technical barriers to trade between Ukraine and the EU and strengthen its position in world markets through the recognition of Ukrainian technical regulation system in the European and international levels.

Implementation of the reform of technical regulations in Ukraine can be successful only if its implementation at the level of key actors and stakeholders will include:

• society as a whole;

• public authorities, including regulatory and supervisory authorities, local authorities;

• entities responsible for the operation of the technical aspects of technical regulation of Ukraine, including the assessment of conformity and ensuring traceability;

• system users - business entities, including manufacturers, their authorized representatives, importers and distributors;

• consumers.

The Strategy states that to ensure the proper functioning of the technical regulation Ukraine needs to develop the potential of the system components. The most important are:

• accreditation of conformity assessment;

• conformity assessment;

• market supervision.

Expected results mentioned in the text of the Strategy are:

• insure for Ukrainian market of dangerous and substandard products;

• increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian products and promote innovative development;

• high level of product safety and strengthening consumer protection through effective public market surveillance;

• access to the EU market for Ukrainian producers under the same conditions as for the producers of the Member States;

• favorable regulatory and business environment, where there will be no excessive and duplicative requirements, and the investor will have to deal with regulatory approaches and requirements applicable in the EU;

• creation of new and preservation of existing jobs;

• welfare as a result of technical regulation sphere adaptation (in the studies which assessed the impact of the EU single market and its enlargement, there was noted that harmonization of technical regulations may well contribute to sustained growth in prosperity in the range of 2% to 5% of GDP, and if the effect dynamic investment - up to 10% of GDP).

It should be noted that the text of the Strategy also contains an attachment called Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy of Technical Regulation Development for the period till 2020.

Author: Press Office
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REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

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