Sales in august 2019
Sales in august 2019

According to AUTO-Consulting, in August, new car dealers reached a new sales figure of 8.2 thousand units, which is even 6.3% more than in a very successful July. Yes, and two-digit (+ 19.8%) car market growth dynamics,

Compared to last year, in August it also remained. The optimistic summer season finale gives every reason to count on the equally successful start of an active business season, which means that dealers will try to take

a new "bar" of monthly sales. In August, this has already become noticeable in the rapid jerk of Renault. The French not only gained a foothold in position No. 1, but also sold 18% more cars than in July. Toyota also gained in sales, but its jerk was enough to hold 2nd place. Kia dealers entered the top three in August, who managed to increase sales immediately by 37%. VW, whose sales jumped 32%, began to regain its former position. But a real sensation in August was the breakthrough of Peugeot in 8th place. Now the French have come close to the group of car market leaders and intend to firmly establish themselves there.

Another “breakthrough of the month” is the 43% increase in Audi sales, which not only made it possible to become No. 1 among the German premium Troika, but also enter the Top 10 car market.

REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

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