2019 electric car registration
2019 electric car registration

Based on the analysis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we inform that in 2019 * 7700 electric vehicles were registered, which is 39% more than in the previous year. The number of registrations in the fourth quarter of 2019 is 5% lower than the previous quarter.

Nissan is consistently among the brands on the market, accounting for 43% of the market, but 7% less than last year's yogis share. Instead, Tesla's presence increased by 15% and nearly doubled last year. Renault, with a market share of 10%, broke its record for growth and ranks third in the brand ranking.

The next two Volkswagen nf BMW brands came in 4th and 5th, respectively, ranking 5% and 4% respectively, pushing Fiat closer.

* Under the registrations were counted the number of primary, secondary registrations and vehicle registrations brought from abroad under customs or ATM. Not included in re-enrollment and temporary enrollment statistics.

Author: Прес-служба ФАУ
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