
Yazaki Ukraine joined Federation of Employers automotive industry of Ukraine
Yazaki Ukraine joined Federation of Employers automotive industry of Ukraine

To Transcarpathian regional organization of employers in the automotive industry, which is a founding member of the Federation of Employers automotive industry of Ukraine, January 13, 2015 joined Ltd. "Yazaki Ukraine", which is part of the corporation «YAZAKI». LLC "Yazaki Ukraine" - the... Read more

2014 Public Report
2014 Public Report

Dear members of the Federation, partners and colleagues, 2014 was the year of real test for the country as a whole and for the automotive industry in particular. Last year, the Federation of Employers of the automotive industry has fully complied with its obligation to comply with the principles of... Read more

Federation took part in the Forum of NGOs' "Tax reform. Focus - a system of electronic VAT administration: implications for business and alternatives"
Federation took part in the Forum of NGOs' "Tax reform. Focus - a system of electronic VAT administration: implications for business and alternatives"

Yesterday, November 18, 2014, by the initiative of a number of of leading public organizations, including the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers, the Union of Tax Consultants of Ukra... Read more

The first meeting of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption and on the activities of financial investigation and the tax police of the Public Council of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
The first meeting of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption and on the activities of financial investigation and the tax police of the Public Council of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Yesterday, November 13, 2014, the first meeting of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption and on the activities of financial investigation and the tax police took place. During the meeting were discussed and resolved the following issues: Election of Chair and Vice-Chairmen. Formi... Read more

Представители Федерации работодателей автомобильной отрасли вошли в состав комитетов Общественного совета при Государственной фискальной службе Украины в качестве экспертов
Представители Федерации работодателей автомобильной отрасли вошли в состав комитетов Общественного совета при Государственной фискальной службе Украины в качестве экспертов

  Вчера, 4 ноября 2014 состоялось первое заседание новоизбранного состава Общественного совета при Государственной фискальной службе Украины и было посвящено ряду важных для функционирования Общественного совета организационных вопросов:   Избрание председателя Общественного совета и... Read more

REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

Charged for recovery

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Draft laws in focus - 2024 Q1
Report for 2023 and Plan for 2024
List of priority draft laws