
Chairman of the Federation of Employers automotive industry Oleg Boyarin took part in a working meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
The first meeting of the Working Group of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine on tax issues dedicated to combating domestic double taxation
USAID conference «The development of Ukrainian business environment, from understanding the call to action» was held
USAID conference «The development of Ukrainian business environment, from understanding the call to action» was held

Представники Федерації роботодавців автомобільної галузі взяли участь у щорічній дводенній конференції USAID – «Розвиток українського бізнес середовища: від усвідомлення викликів до конкретних дій». На конференції було презентовано результати роботи Програми USAID «Лідерство... Read more

The story of how the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine implemented in practice proverb "law as a pole, which will return, and come back"
Federation of Employers automobile industry entered the new composition of the Public Council under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

Charged for recovery

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Draft laws in focus - 2024 Q1
Report for 2023 and Plan for 2024
List of priority draft laws