FRA representatives took part in hearings investigation on imports to Ukraine passenger cars produced in Russia
FRA representatives took part in hearings investigation on imports to Ukraine passenger cars produced in Russia

Yesterday, May 7, representatives of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine's automotive industry took part in the meeting of the hearings, which holds the Interdepartmental Commission for International Trade, to initiate and conduct investigations with respect to antisubsiditsionnogo import cars into Ukraine originating from the Russian Federation. The decision to investigate adopted by the Commission even after the September 15, 2014 complaint filed by the Association "Ukravtoprom" and instructed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

The parties brought their claims and counterclaims. The Russian side was represented by deputy trade representative of the Russian Federation to Ukraine Mr. Potemkin, Ukrainian - the applicants and the Association "Ukravtoprom."

As a result of the hearing the parties focus their arguments voiced during the hearing. One of the main requests from the applicant was requested to expedite consideration of the parties' arguments and decide (remember, the investigation began in September last year and has been going on for almost six months). According to the results of the investigation are expected to prepare for the Economic Development Commission's conclusions on the need for compensatory measures.

Author: Press Office
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