The first meeting of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption and on the activities of financial investigation and the tax police of the Public Council of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
The first meeting of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption and on the activities of financial investigation and the tax police of the Public Council of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Yesterday, November 13, 2014, the first meeting of the Committee onpreventing and combating corruptionandonthe activities offinancial investigationandthe tax police took place.

During the meetingwere discussed andresolvedthe following issues:

  1. Election ofChair andVice-Chairmen.
  2. Formingquantitative and qualitative compositionof the subcommittees.

Following discussionsof candidatesfor the post ofChairman of the Committeewas electedBlackValery,Charitable Foundation "Drevlyans." Jurowskibecamedeputy chairmanDmitryBorisovich, the Union of Entrepreneursof Small, Mediumand Privatized Enterprisesof Ukraine.

Based on the discussionof quantitativeand qualitative composition ofsubcommitteeswere formedfivepermanentsubcommittees:

  1. Expert-Appeal.
  2. On the cleanpower.
  3. On preventingand combating corruptionin tax relations.
  4. On combatingsmugglingin customs.
  5. On the activities ofofficersof financial investigations.

Federation of Employers ofthe automotive industryplans to activelyparticipate in the workof the twosubcommittees-expertappeal andon the preventionand combating corruptionin tax relations.

REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024) Charged for recovery
REVIEW №87 (15.03.2024)

Charged for recovery

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